
Transmisja na żywo posiedzeń plenarnych Europejskiego Kongresu Aktuariuszy odbywającego się w Lizbonie w dniach 6 i 7 czerwca 2019

On 6 and 7 June 2019, the Actuarial Association of Europe will host the 3rd European Congress of Actuaries (ECA 2019) in Lisbon. The ECA 2019 is fully booked with over 260 participants.

The congress programme – held under the overall theme “Actuary 2020 – a profession on the move” – includes 36 presentations submitted by experts from all over Europe and beyond. Especially in the daily Plenary Sessions some high-ranking representatives from insurance, academia and regulation will discuss the latest topics facing the actuarial profession.

Scheduled Plenary Sessions are:

6 June 2019

9.30-10.30: Plenary Session I: “Living on the Edge” 21 Years On

Paul Embrechts (Professor of (Insurance) Mathematics at the ETH Zurich)

15.30-16.30: Plenary Session II: Insurance in the 2020s: The Potential Impact of Technological and Medical Advances on the Industry

Jan-Hendrik Erasmus (CRO NN Group, Chairman CRO Forum)

7 June 2019

9.00-10.00: Plenary Session III: European Supervision in a Changing Environment

Gabriel Bernardino (Chairman of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority)

15.00-16.00: Plenary Session IV: Insights to IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts

Darrel Scott (Board Member of the International Accounting Standards Board)

The AAE is pleased to announce that in order to give as many actuaries and other interested persons as possible access to these highlights of the programme all Plenary Sessions will be broadcast live and for free on www.eca2019.org/live.