W imieniu prelegenta, Dave’a Ingrama, Zarząd Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Aktuariuszy serdecznie zaprasza swoich członków na wykład-webinar z cyklu Open Floor pt. „Beyond Compliance: Management Objectives for ERM”
O wykładzie: A full Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program demands much time and attention from management and directors of an organization. This can be a compliance burden or it can enhance the ability of the organization to meet its objectives in both good and bad years. A key step in getting the “enhance” outcome is to set the right objectives for the ERM program. There is not a single set of ERM objectives, the right choices depends upon the objectives and culture of the organization. This lecture will provide examples of a number of objectives that are common in different insurance organizations as well as the lecturer’s favorite choices.
The talk will be drawn from these three articles:
O prelegencie: Mr. Ingram is a U.S. actuary who has specialized in Enterprise Risk Management. He recently retired from Willis Re where he was Executive Vice President and leader of the North American ERM Advisory practice for 12 years. Prior to that he was Senior Director, ERM at Standard & Poor’s where he led their process to incorporate ERM into the Insurance Company Ratings. He has been the Chair of the International Actuarial Association’s Enterprise and Financial Risk Committee and the North American Joint Risk Management Section. Dave also chaired the committees that produced the first ERM related professional standards in the U.S. and internationally. He has authored many published articles on ERM and made over 100 public presentations on ERM over the past 20 years.
Termin i miejsce: 20 stycznia 2021 (środa) w godzinach 17.00-18.00, spotkanie Zoom.