
[Webinar OpenFloor] Loss Absorbing Capacity of Deferred Taxes under Solvency II – what insurers and supervisors expect

W imieniu prelegenta, Yannisa Pitarasa, Principal Consultant w firmie Finalyse, Zarząd Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Aktuariuszy serdecznie zaprasza swoich członków na wykład-webinar z cyklu Open Floor pt. „Loss Absorbing Capacity of Deferred Taxes under Solvency II – what insurers and supervisors expect″.

O wykładzie: The 2018 Solvency II review amendments to LACDT go in the right direction in terms of ensuring consistency across Member States, but probably fail to provide more certainty to insurers as to whether their calculation of the LACDT adjustment will ultimately pass supervisory scrutiny. Indeed, the part of the legislation relating to the calculation of the LACDT will, to a large extent, still be subject to interpretation by supervisors and, as such, insurers should put all chances on their side by selecting the right approach, establishing the appropriate governance and making sure that their assumptions and calculations are thoroughly documented.

During the webinar/session we will:

  • recall the main rationale behind deferred taxes and the LACDT
  • identify and exchange on the main concerns raised by industry and supervisors with regards to the LACDT

O prelegencie: Yannis Pitaras is an actuary and principal consultant at Finalyse with significant experience in risk management, actuarial modelling and capital management for insurers. He has acquired in-depth knowledge of the insurance sector through the performance of key roles such as Chief Risk Officer and Head of Actuarial Function. He has worked and delivered presentations on “the adjustment for the loss absorbing capacity of deferred taxes under Solvency II” on numerous occasions such as: European Commission/Parliament Public Hearing, EIOPA SCR working group, Insurance Europe Solvency II Steering Group. Check out the article he recently published on this topic: https://www.finalyse.com/blog/adjustment-for-the-loss-absorbing-capacity-of-deferred-taxes

Termin i miejsce: 7 października (środa) w godzinach 17.00-18.00, spotkanie Zoom.

Wykład odbędzie się w języku angielskim.