On behalf of Gábor Hanák from KPMG Hungary, the Board of the Polish Actuarial Association has the pleasure to invite its members and members of the CEE actuarial associations to its complimentary „Open Floor” series webinar, „Why to become a climate actuary?”
About the lecture:
The lecture will focus on why climate related risks stemming from the uncertainties related to climate change, would be a natural, new (emerging) and rewarding and attractive practice area for actuaries. After a short intro into the subject, setting the scene and the context, I will show some concrete cases where actuarial contribution can be helpful to and appreciated by various stakeholders (i.e. intended users of actuarial services) such as entities (including financial services companies like insurers), local and regional/global policymakers, governmental agencies and regional/international bodies of such bodies and NGOs. The cases will include the potential role of the actuary in climate scenario analysis and in climate related reporting.
About the speaker:
Gábor has been an actuary for more than three decades and served the Hungarian Actuarial Society (HAS) in various roles including its President; the Groupe Consultatif (the predecessor of the Actuarial Association of Europe, the AAE) including its Chairman; and the IAA including its President. He continues to be the delegate of the HAS to both the AAE’s and the IAA’s Professionalism Committee. He is the chair of the IAA’s Climate Risk Task Force.
Gábor has been with KPMG in Hungary since 2008 and led its actuarial practice between 2008 and 2021, since 2021 he’s been dealing with international issues on climate, sustainability and on insurance accounting (IFRS 17).
When: 28 February 2024 (Wednesday) at 17.00 CET, Zoom meeting (https://zoom.us/j/97282596102 with no password or registration required).
Duration: the webinar is expected to last 60-70 minutes, including the Q&A.
Technical remarks: